The Geraldine Action Association
Who We Are
The Geraldine Action Association Board is comprised of nine volunteers:
Eddy Joyce (President)
Elaina Antonich (VP)
Justin Roudebush (Treasurer)
Jesse Dines (Secretary)
Shaya Clark, Danielle Engellant, Cody Joyce, Morgan Lestiko & Adirane Patterson
What We Do
The Geraldine Action Committee was incorporated in 1987 as a non-profit organization dedicated to the betterment of Geraldine, Montana. Our purpose is promoting the community, the businesses and the people who live and work here.
We are a group of volunteers, friends and neighbors who truly care about our community. We raise our families here, run our businesses here, and give our time to make a difference right here in Geraldine.
We believe in investing in our community.
We support our local businesses.
We raise funds in order to have the ability to give funds.
Our organization focuses on regularly donating to and supporting other local organizations by annually hosting an easter egg hunt, Geraldine Fun Day, and our Dinner Theater production, which provides some much needed camaraderie and comic relief in the middle of Montana’s long, cold winters. We know that when we are successful, our neighbors are successful.
Every year we provide scholarships to Geraldine Public School graduates, investing in their future and therefore investing in Geraldine.